Friday, February 6, 2009

Potential Substitute Teacher? Me?

I'll be applying for another part-time job as a substitute teacher at the school where my mom works in Columbia. I've been a "guest speaker" in her class once before and I used to teach karate for a number of years, so it's not something that I'm completely unfamiliar with. The nice thing about being a substitute is that I'll still be able to somewhat define my hours myself. I can say "yes I can do that" or "I'm sorry, I have a shoot with my other job." My mom says that they desperately need subs and the fact that I'm already STAND trained and already have some experience teaching will be a big help. I'm really hoping this works out because it will mean some extra money in my pocket. I'll actually be able to save money and not need to touch it, unlike right now where I put money away and turn around and access it the next week to help with bills. I would love to keep my promise to myself and stay out of restaurants. I want my last restaurant to stay my last restaurant. I'll have to post again about why I'm pretty sure God doesn't want me working in restaurants either ;)


Theo said...

Wow! This is an exciting development o.0;;
Keep us posted!